Membership Chair and Committee Roles

The BTS Membership Chair will be an elected Adcom member and will manage the BTS Membership Committee under the direction of the BTS President.  The Chair will initiate, develop and coordinate the strategic plan, programs and activities in the area of Membership. When possible, the chair will participate as an attendee for all BTS events. They will attend BTS AdCom Meetings held each year to report on the progress and status of the same.

Specific responsibilities include coordinating with the Membership Committee members and BTS staff to define, delegate and monitor Membership-related work and to implement and advertise all programs and activities, as well as work with the BTS President and Vice-President to help recruit individuals (BTS Members or non-Members)  to fill any open/new Membership Committee member positions.  Also, the chair will act as the primary BTS ‘volunteer’ contact person for BTS and AdCom members, other society/council members and IEEE staff for requests, questions, issues, etc., concerning Membership.  

Primary Staff Contact  Society Operations Manager

The programs, activities and responsibilities of the Membership Committee include the following:

  • Monitoring the status of BTS membership, including the reporting of various statistics and finances and year-to-year trends
  • Developing programs and activities to help grow and maintain BTS membership annually
  • Work with BTS staff with BTS membership promotion at conferences and trade shows
  • Work with regions/chapter chairs
  • Encouraged to participate in monthly MGA (membership geographic activities) Membership WebEx meetings
  • Work with committee to attend chapter/region meetings
  • Attending committee calls as needed
  • Email correspondence
  • Desired soft skill - social media involvement